A great deal of money can be made if you buy a staffing business. Finding the perfect staffing agency for sale can literally make good money, For starters, you may be curious about just how many staffing agencies are around. The price range from $55,000 to $6.3 million for a company that provides administrative staffing and technical services.$3.7 million for the three equity partners for the higher side configuration. However, 85% of their revenue is derived from a single client/s. I did see enough of them to make some generalizations. The sale would not include real estate, intellectual property, or even a book of business. So the intrinsic, or legacy value of the business may not be that great, even though current revenues might actually appear rather strong.A strong leadership team are critical attributes for an acquisition target. In many small businesses. These staffing agencies that are for sale, the owner is the business and a transaction that does not include the owner is much riskier, and therefore discounted. That is the type of small business that could potentially outlive the owner/founder.There are also a plethora of medium sized legacy staffing businesses for sale, with more employees and bigger books of business.We'd like to hear from you. Are you in the mood to buy - or sell? What would prompt you to do either? If you are selling, what do you think someone who buys your business would be getting? If you are buying, what types of metrics and other factors are you looking at?
Seller Services
Buyer Services
Implementing your expansion plan to buy a staffing firm is great news and we are happy to assist you during this process..
There are two options you have when considering a staffing firm purchase; start a brand new staffing firm or purchase an existing firm with the recruitment team, clients and company branding already in place. Starting a brand new staffing firm entails finding a suitable office location where prospective clients and associates can find you. You will also need to find an experienced team of people to join your new recruiting company if you haven’t already done so.
If you plan to secure an established staffing firm, an important consideration before making a final decision is how much the firm is actually worth based on the book of business and how tied the business is to the existing owner. Evaluating if the clientele, workers and internal employees will stay or are worth keeping can affect the value of the business.